11 May 2009 Debate with Pascal Lamy on trade and the right to food (Geneva)

GENEVA - The Special Rapporteur will debate with Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, on trade and the right to food. Guests will be welcomed by Manuel Tornare, the Mayor of the City of Geneva, which co-organizes this roundtable with 3D. The debate will focus on “Trade liberalization: support or impediment to the right to food?” (La libéralisation du commerce et l’OMC : aide ou entrave au droit à l’alimentation ?) It will be broadcasted online (More information on http://www.3dthree.orgPlease note that the video debate between Mr. De Schutter and Pascal Lamy on "Trade liberalization and the right to food,"  has been posted on the WTO's homepage.  http://www.wto.org As soon as the transcripts are ready they will also be posted in all 3 languages on the WTO's webpage.