20 October 2009: Conference “The Right to Food and the Political Economy of Hunger” (Columbia Law School, New York)

The Human Rights Institute is pleased to present Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food.  While we have spectacularly succeeded in raising levels of agricultural production during the 20th century, we have failed to combat hunger and malnutrition: over 1 billion people are hungry in the world, and more than 2 billion suffer from malnutrition. This talk will seek to examine the causes of hunger and discuss the role of the right to food—including accountability mechanisms—in combating it. We may not be able to legislate against hunger. But because hunger and malnutrition stem from discrimination and disempowerment of the poor, strengthening the legal entitlements of these victims is a first and vital step towards real change.

12:15PM - 01:10PM
Columbia Law School
Jerome Greene Hall TBD